Fairytale Princess Parties have arrived to El Dorado and Sacramento Counties!
I want to say a big HELLO to everyone in the area. I have been anxiously awaiting my big move from my Southern California home to this beautiful Northern California area. My family and I have been wanting to move to the Folsom, Eldorado Hills area for a couple years now. We have just been waiting for the right time to make the move. Well, my husband finally received the job offer he needed for us to move up here and now here we are. We have been in the area since June of this year and welcomed our fourth child into the world two weeks after we moved here. Its been a busy year for our family but all good things have come from it. Finally, now that we have been settled in, I have been working diligently to get my other baby up and running, Fairytale Princess Parties! This business has been with me for 10 years and through the years its expanded and changed, shifted and improved year after year after year. The year of 2016 it finally completes itself with my last branch opening. I cannot wait to start servicing clients in the area. With our big family move this year and the newborn I have been unable to work parties myself and I have missed it so much. The last few years I have been hosting beautiful tea parties, weekend after weekend and I will be offering my tea parties here, hoping to launch them by the end of this year or beginning of 2017. In the meantime I will be performing as a princess along with my amazing staff that I am hiring to bring magical entertainment to you! Everyone in the community has been so welcoming and friendly, I cannot say enough great things about this town. El Dorado Hills is a perfect place to raise our family and I could not be more happy with our choice to root here. So thank you for the beautiful community you all have created, I am so excited to now be apart of it and offer my services in the field of entertainment and paty planning. If you are in need of some awesome princess entertainment, you have found the right place! I trully love what I do and can promise you that my quality of party entertainment and character integrity is second to none. My passion for bringing joy to little ones shines through in every party I attend. If your looking for a company who can really bring your daughters favorite character to life then look no further. So please give me a call if you have any questions! And just for reading this whole thing, as a new to the area gift, I will give you a 10% discount when you mention you read my Hello Blog!
For your enjoyment, I am sharing a couple photos of way back when I first opened the business. The Snow White photo was taken on the second party I ever performered at 10 years ago! Its hard to believe its been that long, and the Cinderella photo is myself with my daughter who is now 7 yrs old. So yeah both of these are some throw backs for you :)

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